Wrestling and the Cove Bay gala
Saturday started with a visit from mum (minus her doggie Misty). After copious cuppas and a good natter, she returned to Peterhead. Almost immediately my chums arrived and we headed out to the Cove bay Gala. What an experience that was, about 10 stalls (including the NLGA - Nether Loirston Growers Association), a full size wrestling ring, football league, cupcake decorating, wild bird area and the great stand by - the bouncy castle. As we were too old and too tall for the bouncy castle, majority ruled we decorate cupcakes. The icing was various colours of luminosity and the decorations (much to the delight of Amy, 3yrs old) were sweeties. Quite why my partner said no to the decorated blue icing cupcake I don't know, probably best as the ones that did get eaten had reviews of "Gads min", "mmmm" (then asking for a teaspoon to remove the icing) and one was left on the table with a tiny bite out of it. The wrestling we kind of missed, but we bumped in...