
Showing posts from June, 2009

Globe Artichokes & Strawberries

Another surprise at no5 King Street when I saw all the strawberry fruits that have set on the plants this year. Laden is not descriptive enough as I will have enough fruit to keep Asda supplied for a while - as long as the birds and the slugs don't eat them all. The globe artichokes I grew from seed 2 years ago are also looking the best this year - I had to move some as they had outgrown the space so I extended the bed. The transplanted ones are slightly behind the others but I can still see some large heads starting. I will have to keep a close eye on them as I don't want them to go to waste, waited 3 years now, so I better get a taste of them this year! The petrol trimmer is still going strong although I had a problem starting it this week - probably a flat battery but the pull cord got it going and with a little help from Bob got the cutting wire the right length. I saved lots of leaves from my last garden last autumn and have spread them around the black currant bushes. ...