
Showing posts from March, 2008

cheap as chips greenhouse

Can't believe the price I paid for 2 green houses! £9.99 for 3 shelves and as high as my shoulders, cheap shops are just brilliant for bargains and I need to use something as the cats have discovered the nice individual litter trays on the window shelf...I could do a CSI Aberdeen with plaster casts of their ickle paws to find the culprit? I am leaving the print to see if any seeds survive - survive 3 cats wandering over them, they will survive Aberdeen summer. :)

Seeds galore

Well I have just sowed enough seeds to keep Morrisons in business with brussell sprouts for this Christmas! Didn't think they would germinate as they are last years ones - got every seed coming up now and need to transplant them into more suitable pots. The Jersey Walking Stick Kale is also up and bolting with the sunny window sill it's on. Bit of a quandry - should I remove the covers now and let the cats eat fresh greens, or leave them on until I repot? Leave them on just now I think - less mess in the kitchen. Got a few cloches from my favourite online shop Ebay, now I need to figure out a way to stop them blowing away into the North Sea. Look great all the little tunnels but the plots are very open and prone to gale force winds. Wonder if washing line will work criss crossed over them with some tent pegs to hold them down? Will try that next weekend. On another thought - went to see Derek Acorah last night -what an experience - guy looked like he was a split personal...